July 2-3, 2018 – Jakarta
This document provides:
- A summary of the areas that have been identified for pre-competitive collaboration.
- An outline of recommended nest steps within those areas as identified by those with the workshop.
Decent Rural Living Initiative Summary
Cargill, Golden Agri-Resources (GAR), Musim Mas, Sime Darby Plantations and Wilmar came together with the agreement to identify pre-competitive collaborative ways to address existing barriers to empower and increase the agency of the palm worker. Forum for the Future’s role is to enable actionable yet ambitious solutions through bringing different actors across the system together, using a systems and futures lens.
Staged process of consultation decided upon to commitments.
1) In response to: Promoting the awareness of rights amongst workers through:
- Developing a sectoral jurisdictional CBA template with customised opt-in components
- Developing an orientation open-source programme on what it means to be a palm employee
- Improving ICT connectivity for palm oil workers by piloting high-speed internet in South Sumatra
2) Empowering women through data collection and consolidation of best practices
- Examples include obtaining data on the breakdown of the 5 companies’ workforce in terms of gender
(casual/perm workers) and qualitative, ethnographic data around the needs of women
- The data collated is key to help us to prioritise 1-2 areas from the range of ideas discussed (e.g. contract innovation for casual workers, pilots for alternative livelihoods,
The precompetitive areas for collaboration identified during the Multi-Stakeholder Workshop will now be discussed within each company, with a view to announce a formal commitment by and agreed upon date. This is recommended by end of September.
Our guiding principles
- Go ‘beyond compliance’ in our ambition, and to demonstrate measurable impact
- Be solutions-oriented in our use of language and the outcomes we generate
- Consider the future-context when considering any challenges or solutions
- Engage diverse points of view – beyond NGOs or companies alone
- Be thoughtful, but also fleet of foot, g. we need to move at pace, but not without compromising
what will create real impact
- Be people-centred and worker-centric in our solutions
- Be development positive and in alignment with the SDGs
Confirmed Stakeholders
- APINDO Harjono
- CIFOR Bimbika Sijapati Basnett
- CNV Amalia Falah Alam
- ICCO Kiswara Prihandini and Esti Nuringdyah
- HRWG Rafendi Djamin
- ILO Yunirwan Gah
- Cargill – Colin Lee, Nasuha Thaha
- LINKS Feybe Lumuru
- Oxfam Adi Pratama
- DWWG Chris Wangkay
- RSPO Imam Marzuq
- Sawit Watch Zidane Parsaoran
- UNICEF Ann Thomas
- GAR – Anita Neville, Melissa Yeoh, Absa Pradista, Pak Supramono
- Musim Mas – Carolyn Lim, Widya Ng
- Sime Darby – Rashyid Redza, Izlin Ismail, Mohamad Pirabaharan, Elly Mahesa Jenar
- Wilmar – Perpetua George, Sandra, Yuli, Memed
- BHRRC Golda Benjamin
- Cargill Alexandra Experton
- ISPO Ali Joedawinata
- OPPUK Lambok Simbolon
Conveners – Forum for the Future
- Ariel Muller
- Cynthia Morel
- Madhumitha Ardhanari
- RSPO Tiur Rumondang
- UNICEF Lukita Setiyarso
- Verité Daryll Delgado
Outline of next recommended steps from stakeholders